Spring 2025
The HUB will open on 4/6 for Spring 2025.
Hours: Sunday - Thursday, 4:00-10:00 P.M.
On-line or E-tutoring: What's the Difference?
- On-line tutoring (synchronous) sessions allow you to chat with a writing partner, brainstorm ideas, or get immediate feedback. Make an appointment; then look for a Zoom link that your writing partner will email to your SCU email 5-10 minutes before your appointment time. This is most like a face-to-face HUB meeting!
- E-tutoring (asynchronous) sessions allow you to share a Google doc to get feedback asynchronously. You’ll need to specify what main feedback you want, and if you add comments and questions into your Google doc, your writing partner will be better able to help you. Note: e-tutoring will have a slower turn around (several hours), and the writing partner will not edit or simply proofread your work – so please plan ahead. Writing partners will offer suggestions for how you can develop your writing on your own.
General info
To make an appointment, click on the time you want and fill out the form that pops up. White spaces indicate available hours, and appointments can be 30, 45, or 60 minutes. For information about holiday closures see here.
Note: during any appointments, only the writer(s) can attend the meeting. We cannot allow visitors.
The HUB offers tutoring for public speaking! Get feedback from a trained writing partner on your speech's outline or practice your presentation in front of a writing partner at the HUB. To make an appointment, use the pulldown menu to select "Public Speaking" in order to find available times.
Welcome to the HUB's on-line schedule management system! By registering, you'll have access to the HUB's drop-in schedule as well as access to appointment scheduling. Use the portal on the left to register and set up your account with your SCU e-mail address.
For more information about the HUB, visit our website at www.scu.edu/hub/.